TIER 3: Community Driven LTSS Collaboration
$150 mil. over three years for applicants and key partners, including community economic development organizations, that wish to develop a transformative long-term services and supports (LTSS) continuum-of-care and services model.
This work would focus on design of an LTSS continuum-of-care and services model through creating standards of excellence for residential and community-based providers dedicated to creating and scaling small houses and/or household models in partnership with other providers, e.g. affordable independent living providers, Medicaid HCBS providers, PACE plans, FIDE SNPs, and innovative housing-with-services providers. Funding would be available to organizations with significant current experience operating small houses and/or household models, and those that can certify that they meet all or most standards in Tiers 1 and 2.
Ensuring equity would be foundational-- meaning that model development would focus on providers that are dedicated to serving low and moderate-income populations of older adults and individuals living with disabilities.